Revolutionise Your Charity Operations with CiviPlus Charity CRM

Revolutionise Your Charity Operations with CiviPlus Charity CRM

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Howdy y’all,

We are delighted to announce a new integration of CiviCRM with Open Social, a community engagement platform.

CiviCRM is the number one open source CRM for not-for profits, used by more than 11,000 organisations worldwide, and Open Social is a leading community engagement platform, used by over 1000 organisations in a range of different industries from Charities to member organisations and companies also.

It’s exciting news for organisations using CiviCRM, who will now be able to combine the power of CiviCRM with the collaboration and community building that the Open Social platform provides.
If you’ve not heard of community platforms before, a community platform is a tool that allows your organisation to create your own branded and tailored social network. Users of the platform (normally your members or supporters) can interact, join groups to share knowledge and exchange ideas, publish and promote events and collaborate within a safe online curated space. With a community platform you can expand your digital offer and strengthen your relationship with your supporters.

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Open Social is open source (much like CiviCRM) and as such has no user licences fees. This means it can be deployed affordably to scale to even the largest of communities. It’s also flexible with a huge range of different add-on modules that can be integrated to enhance the platform.

Our new two-way integration between Open Social and CiviCRM syncs data between the two platforms allowing information about the groups and committees that members have joined to be seamlessly synced to CiviCRM. You can even create Open Social groups and manage their membership directly from within CiviCRM, which would be useful for managing private groups in the case of committees or working groups.

By combining the data of a community platform with that in your CiviCRM your organisation can obtain deep insights into your members' interests and behaviours. You can see which groups are popular and engage with your members on topical issues, automating communications and tailoring their experience.

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A great example is a recent implementation for the UN’s PRI (Principles of Responsible Investment). Their user community includes over 2,900 organisations with over 40,000 individuals spread across 6 continents. Their Community Platform now supports discussions between 24,000 users with over 750 online collaboration spaces. The data is seamlessly synced to their CRM allowing for deep insight guiding their policy engagements.

As Open Social partners, we would be delighted to help you start your journey with Open Social and help you build your online community. We can help you through both the implementation and the CiviCRM integration (or other CRM integration such as Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM).

Please contact us through our website or by email at

Further information about Open Social can be found at their website:

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Managing data efficiently is critical in the dynamic world of charities and non-profit organisations. We present CiviPlus, an exceptional charity CRM solution tailored specifically for charities. It offers a seamless, intuitive, and powerful tool to enhance your organisation's efficiency and impact.

Our suite of features ensures that charities can focus on what they do best—making a positive impact—while we handle the technical aspects. In this article, we will explore the robust features of CiviPlus that make it the ideal choice for charities looking to streamline their operations and enhance their outreach.

Why Choose CiviPlus Charity CRM?

Trusted by Thousands

Thousands of charity professionals rely on the technology power behind CiviPlus charity CRM to streamline their operations. Our platform is built to handle the unique challenges faced by charities, ensuring reliability and trustworthiness that you can depend on.

User-Friendly Interface

Say goodbye to cumbersome and outdated systems that feel like wading through a treacle. CiviPlus charity CRM boasts a straightforward, flexible interface that simplifies data entry and management, making it a breeze for everyone in your organisation.

Exceptional Support

Our support team is always ready to assist you. We put a high value on ensuring that you always feel safe and always able to ask more about how to take full advantage of your system. Consistently praised by our clients for their helpfulness, our support team is here to help you tackle any challenge, big or small.

Features of CiviPlus CRM for Charities

1. Efficient Donor Management

Managing donor information is crucial for the success of any charity. CiviPlus offers a powerful donor management system that allows organisations to keep detailed records of their donors, track donations, and manage relationships. This system is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, ensuring that charities can maximise their fundraising efforts.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Donor Profiles: Maintain detailed records of donor interactions and preferences.
  • Automated Acknowledgments: Send personalised thank-you messages automatically.
  • Donation Tracking: Monitor donation history and trends to optimise fundraising strategies.

2. Engaging Campaign Tools

Campaigns are the lifeblood of any charitable organisation. CiviPlus provides various tools to create, manage, and analyse fundraising campaigns. Our platform supports multiple campaign types, including online fundraisers, events, and peer-to-peer fundraising.

Key Features:

  • Easy Payments: seamless online payments with GoCardless and Stripe.
  • Customisable Webforms: Create visually appealing webforms to collect all the necessary campaign details.
  • Real-Time Analytics: Monitor campaign performance with real-time data and adjust strategies accordingly.

3. Event Management

Events play a crucial role in fundraising and community engagement for charities. CiviPlus offers a comprehensive event management module that simplifies the planning and execution of events, from small gatherings to large-scale galas.

Key Features:

  • Event Registration: Streamline the registration process with customisable forms.
  • Ticketing and Payments: Manage ticket sales and process payments securely.
  • Attendee Management: Keep track of attendees and their preferences for a personalised experience.

4. Mailing and Marketing

Outreach is crucial to any charity’s mission and that’s why CiviPlus includes its own email builder. Fully integrated with the CRM database, it can easily create highly effective mailing lists to deliver targeted communications.

Key Features:

  • Drag and Drop Mail Builder: Create beautiful email templates in a simple easy to use interface.
  • A/B Testing: Test out which subject lines work better and optimise open rates.
  • Powerful Segmentation: Create dynamic or static lists with highly flexible filters.

5. Volunteer Coordination

Volunteers are the backbone of many charitable organisations. Efficient volunteer management is essential to maximising their impact. CiviPlus provides tools to recruit, manage, and communicate effectively with volunteers.

Key Features:

  • Volunteer Database: Maintain a centralised database of volunteers and their skills.
  • Task Management: Coordinate volunteer task assignments with ease.
  • Communication Tools: Send updates and reminders to volunteers through multiple channels.

6. Grant Management

Securing grants is a vital component of funding for many charities. CiviPlus offers a grant management system that helps organisations track grant applications, deadlines, and reporting requirements.

Key Features:

  • Application Tracking: Monitor the status of grant applications.
  • Deadline Alerts: Receive notifications for upcoming deadlines.
  • Reporting Tools: Generate reports to meet funder requirements and demonstrate impact.

7. Comprehensive Reporting

Data-driven decision-making is critical for the success of any nonprofit. CiviPlus provides advanced reporting tools that allow charities to generate detailed reports on their operations, from fundraising performance to volunteer engagement.

Key Features:

  • Custom Reports: Create reports tailored to specific needs.
  • Data Visualisation: Use charts and graphs to visualise data trends.
  • Export Options: Export reports in multiple formats for sharing and analysis.

8. Privacy and Security

We understand the importance of privacy and security for charitable organisations. CiviPlus is designed with robust security measures to protect sensitive information and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

Key Features:

  • Data Encryption: Ensure data is encrypted both in transit and at rest.
  • Access Controls: Implement role-based access controls to limit data access.
  • Compliance: Comply with GDPR, HIPAA, and other relevant regulations.

9. High Customisable Interface

Our charity CRM platform is designed to be highly customisable, ensuring that charities can easily navigate and utilise its features without extensive training. The intuitive interface allows staff and volunteers to quickly get up to speed and make the most of the tools available.

Key Features:

  • Dashboard Overview: Get a quick overview of key metrics and activities.
  • Drag-and-Drop Functionality: Easily customise layouts and workflows.
  • Help and Support: Access comprehensive support resources and training materials.
CiviPlus - the Charity CRM

Transformative Impact on Charities

Case Studies

Innovative organisations, charities, and nonprofits have experienced significant transformations using CiviPlus charity CRM. Here are a few testimonials:

“CiviPlus has been fantastic in helping us manage our membership processes more effectively with easy-to-configure registration web forms. To get all this functionality at such an affordable price point has been invaluable to us.”

"It's been great! I am happy to use the system every day. Once you are trained, there are no limits; you can adjust the system to your needs and get the maximum from the functionality."

"It was so simple to get started with CiviPlus, and the team was fantastic. We're already seeing the results - our manual admin tasks have been reduced, all our data is in one easy-to-access place, and our communications to our supporters are more efficient and effective!"

Enhanced Data Management

CiviPlus charity CRM enables charities to present information in an accessible manner, eliminating the need for specialised database skills. This allows anyone in the organisation to fulfil supporter requests efficiently, making it a leading choice for donor management software.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is CiviPlus Charity CRM Right for Your Charity?

Whether your charity is large or small, new or established, simple or sophisticated, CiviPlus charity CRM is the most flexible solution you can imagine. The team behind CiviPlus have supported over 500 charities in their digital growth and are confident we can help you, too. It stands out as a premier CRM for charities.

What Makes CiviPlus Charity CRM Different?

Our customers consistently tell us that CiviPlus is the best value CRM they’ve ever used. Unlike other systems, our CRM is built from the ground up using cutting-edge technology, specifically for charities, and is backed by an outstanding support team. This makes it a top-tier nonprofit CRM.

Do You Need an Existing CRM to Switch to CiviPlus?

No. Regardless of whether you’re coming from just spreadsheets, CiviCRM or another CRM, we facilitate a smooth transition by collating and cleansing your data from any source, setting you up on CiviPlus CRM without the hassle of maintaining outdated spreadsheets.

Is CiviPlus charity CRM Just for Fundraising?

CiviPlus charity CRM offers much more than just fundraising capabilities. It can manage various data types, from memberships, corporate partners and legacy giving, to grant-making and memorial bench tracking, all within a single database. This multifunctionality makes it an effective fundraising CRM.

Getting Started

Register for a demo or take CiviPlus charity CRM for a free test drive.

Webinar: Energise your charity's digital fundraising

When aiming to reach a fundraising target, it is crucial to connect effectively with prospective donors, make donations easy, and track your efforts efficiently. In this webinar, we’ll explore how CiviPlus CRM addresses these challenges with a comprehensive toolset to help you succeed.

Ready to transform your operations? Our comprehensive, user-friendly, and highly supported CiviPlus charity CRM is designed to meet all your organisational needs. Get access to our free demo today and see the difference for yourself or better yet, get in touch, or team are ready to talk to you.

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